One important skill you should have as a story writer is writing a perfect ending. Although it requires some extra work, getting it right would attract more readers. And if you are writing your first book, don’t worry, mastering this skill will get easier down the road.

The end of your story often remains in your reader’s memory, so it is crucial you put in the extra effort to get this right.  

Here are three writing techniques that will help you achieve the perfect ending.

1. Surprise your reader with a plot twist: The end of your story may seem uninteresting if you end it without a clause. So, one of the things we recommend is that you create a twist to your story. You probably know how you want your story to end, but don’t let it go smoothly. Instead, try to create suspense or a twist to the story, making it more enticing and captivating for your readers.

A plot twist could be deviating from the norm. Because most stories end that way doesn’t mean yours should, too. You could outline the various ways the stories in your niche end and think of the possible twists you could bring into them. For example, your story could be going in one direction, but unknown to the reader, it won’t be for long. Imagine an action film,  where you are trailing a criminal, and just when you think the protagonist will catch the criminal, you find that the criminal doesn’t just escape but he was never the criminal.

And what if there was no criminal?

These kinds of twists would give your story a more unpredictable and satisfying ending.

2. End with an open-ended conclusion: Another engaging way to perfect the end of your story is to give your readers something to think about—something they want to unravel or talk about even after they have finished reading your work. Make use of vital elements of suspense to create room for interpretation in the reader’s mind.

3. Tie up loose ends and resolve the storyline: When trying to adopt a plot twist or end your story with an open-ended conclusion, be careful not to create a disjointed storyline. Your storyline should follow a progressive plot through your character’s actions. So, tie up loose ends and resolve the elements of your story. Ensure there are no plot holes. Let there be a good back story to whichever twist or cliffhanger you have created.

Whether you are writing a thriller, action or romance story, it should be engaging enough to feed your reader’s curiosity and hold their attention till the very end.

What are your thoughts on the three techniques shared above?

What other techniques have you used to write the perfect ending of your story? We will love to hear your thoughts.

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