Essential Tips for Crafting Smart Objectives for Your Dissertation

When crafting effective objectives for your dissertation, establishing a clear and actionable framework is vital for guiding your research and ensuring progress.  Often, the process may seem overwhelming. However, the SMART framework — Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound — provides a structured approach to setting goals that can enhance the effectiveness and focus of your dissertation.

Before we proceed, what is a dissertation? A dissertation is a substantial academic document that presents the author’s research and findings on a specific topic. It is typically required as part of the completion of a doctoral degree. The dissertation demonstrates the author’s ability to conduct independent research, engage with existing literature, and contribute new knowledge or insights to their field of study.

How do you incorporate the SMART objective in your dissertation to achieve the best result?

  • Be Specific: To begin with, your objectives should be specific. This means defining precisely what you intend to achieve with each goal. A specific objective clearly outlines what needs to be accomplished without ambiguity, helping to narrow your focus and provide a clear direction for your research.
  • Set Measurable Objectives: Next, ensure that your objectives are measurable. Measurability involves setting criteria to track progress and determine whether your goals have been met. By establishing clear metrics or indicators, you can evaluate your progress effectively and ensure you are on track to achieving your objectives.
  • Set Achievable Objectives: Achievability is another critical component. Objectives should be realistic and attainable based on your available resources, skills, and timeframe. Setting goals that are within reach helps in maintaining motivation and avoids the frustration of unattainable targets.
  • Ensure Relevant Objectives: In addition, your objectives must be relevant to the overall research goals and contribute meaningfully to your dissertation’s purpose. Relevant objectives ensure that every goal supports your research question and contributes to the broader aims of your study.
  • Set Time-Bound Objectives: Finally, setting time-bound objectives is essential. This involves establishing clear deadlines for each goal to maintain focus and manage your time effectively. Time-bound objectives help in structuring your research activities and ensuring the timely completion of various stages of your dissertation.

In conclusion, crafting SMART objectives is essential in ensuring the success of your dissertation. Following these carefully curated principles will help you craft well-defined, practical, and impactful objectives for your dissertation. With this structured approach, you will clarify your research goals and enhance the quality and effectiveness of your academic work.

Are you ready to take your dissertation to the next level? For more research assistance or guidance, send us an email at 

Ditch the Jargon: Making Your Business Writing More Relatable

In today’s business world, clear and relatable communication is crucial. It is important to ensure that your audience is not confused about your intended message. Yet, many professionals fall into the trap of using jargon, thinking it makes them sound knowledgeable.

In reality, excessive jargon can alienate your audience and obscure your message. To connect with your readers and convey your ideas effectively, it’s time to ditch the jargon.

Table of Contents

  • Why Jargon Hurts Your Communication
  • Tips for Making Your Business Writing Relatable
  • Tips for Making Your Business Writing Relatable
  • The Benefits of Relatable Writing

Why Jargon Hurts Your Communication

Jargon refers to specialised terms and phrases used within a particular industry or profession. While it can be useful among experts, it often confuses those outside the field. Here are a few reasons why jargons are detrimental:

  • It excludes readers

When you use industry-specific language, you risk alienating those who are not familiar with the terminology. This can make your message inaccessible to a broader audience. Instead of engaging readers, you’re likely to push them away.

  • It reduces clarity

Complex terminologies can make your writing convoluted and difficult to understand. Clear and simple language is more effective in getting your point across. When your message is straightforward, your readers can easily grasp your points and act on them.

  • It decreases engagement

Readers are more likely to engage with content they understand. When faced with confusing terms, they may feel frustrated and lose interest. Relatable writing keeps your audience interested and invested in your message.

Tips for Making Your Business Writing Relatable

  • Know your audience

To make your business writing more relatable, start by knowing your audience. Understanding who you’re writing for is key to effective communication. Tailor your language to their level of expertise and familiarity with the subject matter. This ensures that your message resonates with your readers.

  • Use plain language

Opt for simple, straightforward words over complex terminology. For example, instead of saying ‘utilise’, just say ‘use’. Plain language is more relatable and easier to understand, making your message more accessible.

  • Be clear

When you must use industry-specific terms, explain the necessary jargon. Provide clear definitions to ensure that all readers can follow along. This way, you maintain clarity without alienating those unfamiliar with the terminology.

  • Be concise

Be concise. Avoid unnecessary words and keep your writing to the point. Concise writing improves readability and respects your reader’s time. It shows that you value their attention and helps keep them engaged.

The Benefits of Relatable Writing

Ditching jargons when you write doesn’t mean you’re dumbing down your message, rather, it’s about making it more accessible and impactful.  Some benefits of relatable writing are:

  • Relatable writing builds trust and fosters better relationships with your audience.
  • It makes your message clear, engaging, and actionable.
  • By avoiding jargon, you demonstrate respect for your reader’s time and intelligence, which can lead to increased loyalty and better business outcomes.


By using plain language, understanding your audience, and focusing on clarity, you can make your business writing more relatable and effective. The goal is to connect with your audience and convey your ideas in a clear and relatable manner. Incorporating these strategies into your business writing can transform the way you communicate. So, ditch the jargon and watch the difference in the engagement with your audience.

For more tips on effective communication and improving remote work productivity, check out our other blog posts or visit our website at We are here to help you succeed.

Happy writing!

5 Benefits of  a Professional Writing Assistant

In today’s fast-paced world, effective communication is crucial. Whether you are a business owner, a student, or a professional, the quality of your writing can significantly impact your success. Writing goes beyond putting words together; it requires proficiency to captivate your audience and effectively convey your message. It takes a while to ideate, write, and complete a manuscript, script, or research paper.  This is where professional writing comes into play.  

In this article, we will list five benefits of a professional writing assistant. They include:

  • Quality Writing

Professional writers have the expertise to improve the quality of your work by creating well-researched, coherent, and engaging content to enhance its credibility. They ensure a polished final piece in grammar, spelling, and punctuation.

  • Time Efficiency

Writing is time-consuming, especially if it’s not your primary skill. It involves researching, organising, drafting, editing, and proofreading. A professional writing assistant can take on this task, allowing you to focus on other important aspects of your work or personal life.

  • Direct Messaging 

Professional writers ensure your content is clear, concise, and engaging. They craft blog posts, brochures, social media posts, and press releases, helping you communicate your message effectively across platforms.

  • SEO Optimisation 

For businesses and individuals looking to improve their online presence, SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) is essential. Professional writing assistants understand SEO practices and can help optimise your content to rank higher on search engines like Google, driving more traffic to your site.

  • Brand Growth Consistency

Consistent and high-quality content helps the brand’s reputation. Professional writers are skilled in persuasion and can craft compelling content that attracts and retains clients, ultimately boosting your brand’s growth and revenue. 

In conclusion, investing in a professional writing assistant is a smart decision for anyone looking to enhance the quality of their written communication in the 21st century. Are you looking to upscale your business, save time, and tell a better story through writing? Reach out to Sabi Writers today to get the best professional writing services from our experts.

Understanding Pronouns

A pronoun is a substitute for a noun to avoid redundancy. It serves as a reference to nouns previously mentioned in a sentence. It includes he, she, who, someone, etc. Despite being a well-known part of speech, it can be misused in a sentence. As a professional, understanding the rules of exceptions would guide you in their appropriate usage and avoid common errors. 

  1. The basic rule of pronouns states that a singular pronoun is always followed by a singular verb and a plural pronoun by a plural verb.
  2. Always put the other person first. It is incorrect to write ‘Me and my sister are going to the market’ rather than ‘My sister and I are going to the market’.
  3. An apostrophe is used with pronouns only for contraction purposes, not to show possession. For example, ‘it’s’ means ‘it is’ or ‘it has’. Therefore, when used in a sentence, it should be ‘We have reached its peak’, not ‘We have reached it’s peak’.
  4. A singular verb always follows ‘either of’, ‘neither of’, and ‘each of’, irrespective of the noun in the sentence. This is because the three pronouns refer to only one subject. For instance, it is wrong to write, ‘Each of us are writing a story’. The correct thing is ‘Each of us is writing a story’.
  5. Never use ‘they’ and ‘their’ with a singular pronoun. For instance, ‘Somebody laughed, and they should be punished’. ‘Somebody’ refers to a single person, while ‘they’ indicates plural. There is no concord between the two pronouns. Breaking this rule could make your writing unclear.

A professional writer adheres strictly to these exceptions to ensure error-free writing. However, if you do not want to go through this rigorous process, Sabi Writers provides a lasting solution. With a team of professional writers and editors only a call away, Sabi Writers will provide you with error-free work.

Understanding the Writing Process

As professional writers, we know that writing doesn’t just happen. It isn’t the capricious off-loading of the mind into paper. It isn’t the haphazard stringing together of words and sentences to make some preconceived point. 

In reality, writing is a process. It involves well-thought-out, articulated, and synchronised actions and decisions which result in publicly consumable content. Irrespective of how creativity reliant an art or craft is, it must under-go process.

At Sabi Writers, our writing goes through a thorough step-by-step process to guarantee maximum quality, originality, and efficiency. In this post, we’ll be sharing our writing process, the math behind the magic we do. 

The Pre-writing Stage

Every piece of literature known to man was born out of an idea. Nevertheless, the idea is only the beginning; it must first be nurtured, expanded, and developed to the point of maturity where it is translated to a written form.

This development happens in the pre-writing stage. Here, the writer sources for materials, additional information, and other specific elements that serve as building blocks with which he fleshes out the idea. 

After filling out the idea, the writer begins to structure all the information he has gathered. This involves cutting out unnecessary information, deciding which points remain, and piecing together the final picture of the content he wishes to create. 

The Drafting Stage

At this stage, the writer translates his ideas, points and notes into transitional paragraphs that help make his point clear. Here, the writer allows his creativity to run free, expressing himself through words, tone, and style. 

While drafting, the writer is not concerned with grammatical errors, spellings or other errors. Instead, he focuses on letting his creativity run free as any form of editing is premature and will obstruct his flow.  

The errors in a writer’s drafts are not proof of some failing or incompetence; it is relatively normal to have mistakes in your first, second, and third drafts. As you know, writing is a process and drafting is only a part of it. At the end of the process (that is if they are carried out correctly), the work will be in top form. 

The Revision Stage

At this stage, the writer is less concerned about expressing his creativity and more occupied with tailoring the content to match his readership and the prescribed style of writing. 

The writer will ask these questions:

Is my writing clear?

Is it concise?

Are the points expanded enough?

Do my paragraphs transition into one another?

How will the readers interpret this work? 

Is my writing informative or shallow?

Is it professionally delivered?

Is the information provided, credible?  

The Editing Stage

People often feel the revision stage and the editing stage are somewhat similar and therefore, interchangeable. This is not true. While revising is concerned with correcting structural errors, editing is taking a closer look at sentences and words to check for grammatical errors, spelling errors, repetition, punctuation, redundancy, and other minor but inexcusable writing errors.  

However, writers are advised against self-editing, as there is the tendency for a few errors to elude them. At Sabi Writers, the quality control department is there to edit and proofread as editing is not left to writers in order to ensure the highest quality.  

The Proofreading Stage 

The proofreading stage is where the final draft is reviewed to check for typographical, grammatical, and formatting errors. Proofreading ensures that the content is well written, organised, and easy to understand. Proofreading also ensures the document follows the prescribed style guide.

In summary, proofreading is just a final review of the final draft. This is the last writing process that vets the accuracy of all other processes. In traditional writing and publishing, no material should be published without being proofread.

Remember, no good literary piece comes out great without a process. The process is a sine qua non for all writing. If followed correctly, the writing processes can help to make for a professional and accurate document. 

Thank you for reading.