Executive Assistant Executive Assistant Executive Assistant Your Name * Your Email * Phone Number * Address * Are you currently employed elsewhere? * Yes No Do you have any executive or administrative assistance experience? * Yes No If yes, kindly share with us your experience. * How long have you been working in this field? * From 0 to 10, with 10 being the highest, what would you rate yourself as an executive assistance? * Have you won any award or commendation in this field? * Yes No If yes, kindly tell us about the award or commendation. * Kindly share with us how you have been able to better manage workflow. * Tell us about your Academic & Professional Qualifications. * Briefly tell us. How do you intend to work effectively with the CEO as an Executive Assistant? * What unique value would you be contributing to the CEO's work? * Facebook Name * Instagram Handle * Twitter Handle * How did you hear about Sabi Writers? * Website Facebook Instagram Twitter Whatsapp Radio Tv Blog A Friend Are you willing to work as a full-time employee? * Yes No Not Sure Submit