As an aspiring author, it is undoubtedly one of your greatest wishes to see your manuscript transformed into a published book. Of course, it would be a dream come true to see your pieces smiling back at you on the shelf or have numerous readers lined up to get a copy of your work.

However, we cannot deny that landing a book deal can be a challenging feat, albeit a highly rewarding journey. The literary world sometimes feels like a maze. But, hey! With the right strategies, you can certainly navigate your way to success.

It doesn’t need to be as difficult as the world makes it, your writing dream can still come true, and you can be on your way to writing success if you have the right strategies guiding you.

Let’s discuss six practical steps you can take to help secure that elusive book deal and turn your aspirations into a thrilling reality.

  1. Refine Your Manuscript

Before the thought of pitching your book to publishers comes to mind, take a breather and refurbish your manuscript. It is crucial to ensure that your manuscript is meticulously polished to perfection. Do not be in haste to put your piece out there and end up delivering mediocre work.

Revise, edit, and proofread your work. A well-crafted manuscript that adheres to genre norms, demonstrates a unique voice, and boasts of compelling characters or ideas is more likely to catch the attention of publishers and ultimately help you close a book deal faster.

  • Conduct Thorough Market Research

Understanding your target market is key to positioning your book effectively. It goes beyond putting words or thoughts to paper. Research who your target audience is, similar books in your genre, and trends that are currently popular and can gain you a competitive advantage.

Also, do not miss out on highlighting what makes your book stand out and how it fulfils a unique niche in the market. Publishers want to see that your book holds value and can soar in the industry; nobody wants to invest in what wouldn’t yield a profit at the end of the day.

  • Craft a Compelling Query Letter

A query letter sets your best foot in the door of the publishing world. It should be precise, engaging and persuasive. Properly introduce yourself, provide a brief overview of your book, and concisely explain why your book is a perfect fit for your publisher.

Personalise your query letter to the specific publisher you are approaching: it makes them feel valued and important in the process. Show that you have done your homework and genuinely believe your book aligns with their vision.

  • Develop a Strong Author Platform

An author platform encompasses your online presence, social media following, and engagement with potential readers. In this digital age, having an online presence is crucial in your growth process, and as an author, one of the best platforms to leverage is the social media space.

Publishers are more likely to take notice of authors who already have an online presence because this promises an existing client base (or, in this case, available readers).

You can build your online presence by sharing relevant content, interacting with your audience/viewers, and showcasing your expertise. A robust platform demonstrates your dedication to promoting your book and reaching a wider audience.

  • Research and Target Suitable Publishers

Different strokes for different folks. Every publisher has distinct preferences and niches. Research various publishing agencies to find those that align with your book’s genre, theme, and style.

Many writers miss out on book deals because they pitch to the wrong agency. Research and look into their submission guidelines and follow them meticulously. Tailor your submissions to match each publisher’s requirements, showcasing your professionalism and dedication to their guidelines.

  • Consider Literary Agents

Literary agents are superheroes! They can be invaluable allies in your quest for a book deal. They have established connections in the industry that can help you navigate the complex world of publishing.

If you need someone to give you a head-start, get yourself a literary agent. Agents advocate for your work, negotiate contracts and payment systems on your behalf, and provide you with expert advice throughout the process.

Research reputable literary agents who specialise in your genre and submit a well-crafted query letter to them.


Securing a book deal is a big deal; however, with these steps provided, it shouldn’t pose as much of a challenge anymore. Of course, there will be rejections along the way, but you don’t have to be swayed by them; failures are the spices that make our success taste good.

Rejection is a part of the process, but each rejection brings you one step closer to success.

At Sabi Writers, we are master storytellers who understand how to pull readers to your unique voice and style. Contact us at 

Good luck!

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