How to Write a Book Review

Review writing is one of the most relevant modern-day writing skills. More so, it is used in selling books and analyzing their content. What sells a book are the reviews written on it, although the role of the words of mouth cannot be overemphasized too.

A book review is a critical appraisal of a book, article, play, film, etc. It is a form of literary criticism in which a book is analyzed based on content, style and merit.

There are two kinds of book review:

Prepublication and

Post-publication review.

Whereas prepublication review is written for libraries and bookshops that are going to purchase the book in bulk, the post-publication review is written for people who are potential readers of the book being reviewed.

Approaches to Review Writing

There are two approaches to writing a book review: descriptive and critical review.

Descriptive review gives the essential information about a book. This is done with description and exposition, by stating the perceived aims and purposes of the author, and by quoting striking passages, dialogues, etc., from the book.

Critical review describes and evaluates the book in terms of accepted literary and historical standards, and supports this evaluation with evidence from the book.

A book review is expected to answer two questions:

  • What is the book about?
  • How good is the book?

Understanding what a nonfiction book is all about and how good it is, for instance, is relatively a straightforward process. The reviewer only needs to determine if the author was able to express his thoughts and ideas clearly in a way that the reader can understand.

Determining how good a fiction piece is, on the other hand, requires that the reviewer understands the five elements of fiction: character, setting, plot, theme and style and how effectively the author used these elements.

Becoming a good reviewer rests on only one factor – experience. Experience is developed through consistent writing, in-depth understanding of book content and the ability to explain the same.

How to Beat Writing Procrastination

The phrase, “Procrastination is the thief of time,” is a famous mantra we employ to prompt ourselves to get into the game and get the work done. It is a reality we are no doubt familiar with—the fact that procrastination, if not correctly dealt with, can stifle specific opportunities and even cause us to miss out on some incredible rewards.

Yeah, we know all these. But the truth is that sometimes we just can’t help the urge to procrastinate. Whether it is postponing the instruction to take out the trash before it overflows or changing the oil before the engine breaks down or meeting that deadline at work before the time for appraisal, procrastination can creep in slowly until we are blindsided by the consequences.

Unfortunately, even as writers, we get bitten by this bug too often. There we are, staring at the blank page, and we just can’t summon any motivation to get started; or perhaps we have gotten started, and we keep pushing back the timeline for completion.

Several factors are responsible for our procrastination as writers and here are three of them:

  1. Getting bored or frustrated with the subject matter: Yes, this is very much possible. One of the things that keep writing flowing on an even keel is the writer’s continuing identification and interest in the subject he is assigned to write. Once that is lost, the writer inevitably puts off work on the project.
  1. Fear: This is one of the most common reasons for procrastination. The fear of failing, criticism, and not meeting up to expectations have caused many a writer to push back what would have been great pieces of writing.
  1. Laziness and lack of consistency: Practice and consistency are defining traits of any good writer. The more you write, the better you get at it. On the other hand, the less consistent a writer is, the easier it becomes to procrastinate until he ends up not writing at all.

Fortunately, no matter how deep the tentacles of procrastination seat, we can beat this monster and get right back to our writing game. The following five ways show us how:

  • Choose a writing niche you are passionate about: The more a writer enjoys his work, the faster he longs to get back to it. If you desire to overcome procrastination, then get involved in subject matters or themes that you are passionate about rather than ones that put you to sleep.
  • Schedule your writing and set a deadline: When it comes to writing, it is easy to think you can just fly by the seat of your pants and wait until inspiration strikes. But more often than not, inspiration is a product of discipline. Therefore, it is crucial to plan out each writing project and set a deadline for finishing. Doing this goes a long way to keep you committed to the work and to stave off the temptation to tarry.
  • Deploy tools to fend off distracting influences: Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat and other forms of media entertainment have been the bane of productivity for many writers. While they are not bad in themselves, the difficulty lies in knowing when to indulge or abstain. If you seek to jack up productivity and overcome procrastination, then it is vital to block out such distractions from your workspace. Apps like Rescue Time and Self Control are deployed to limit such frequent usage and visits to these sites.
  • Get an accountability partner: Often, knowing you are being watched and rated may be the key to getting rid of procrastination. Get someone trusted who can keep you accountable and disciplined enough to follow through on your projects. Note that this must be a person whose instruction and mentorship you are willing to follow.
  • Institute a reward system: Our psyche thrives on pleasure and reward. One way to beat procrastination is to set ourselves a target for each project and create a reward for every milestone reached. Knowing that you have something worthwhile to look forward to can accelerate the pace with which you approach the work and hasten the process of completion.

Finally, as writers, overcoming procrastination starts with the willingness to devote ourselves to the art of writing. These tips and many other suggestions that abound will be fruitless without a sense of dedication and commitment to the craft.

Therefore, don’t let procrastination steal your thunder; get working instead.

The Importance of Being a Reader

The American inventor, Thomas Edison, is probably well known for his invention of the first commercially viable light bulb. Another common knowledge about him is that it took him about a thousand failed patent experiments to invent the light bulb successfully. This is as basic as most people know about the inventor.

Growing up as a child, Thomas had quite several challenges that made him stay away from school. He was home-schooled by his mother and subsequently self-educated himself by reading extensively on various and wide range of disciplines. In a couple of years to come, the ideas that gave birth to his invention would come from his reading and studies.

A lot of people nowadays want to become the best thing that has happened to writing after James Joyce but are unwilling to bear the sacrifice it requires. Being a reader is as equally important as identifying as a writer. To become a good writer, you have to read well and read always. Virginia Woolf had a massive library at her disposal while growing up as a child. It should not come as a surprise then that she turned out to be one of the best writers of the 20th century.

No writer ever turned out great without been an avid reader, and most of these writers are products of what they read. One of Nigeria’s finest poets, Christopher Okigbo, had read the French poet, Stéphane Mallarmé, so much that Okigbo’s poetry took the obscurantist form of Mallarmé’s. Read and read until writing becomes an effortless means of expression for you, but before then, here are some essential tips you need to know on how to become a great reader.

Not every reader will become a writer

This is a truth that a lot of aspiring writers do not want to hear – we all cannot become writers and not all writings are fully formed as quickly as you might expect. Whenever you read, therefore, you should do so with intent to grow your wealth of knowledge and expand your mind. It might take a longer time than you imagine to become the writer you want to be, but do not stop reading. Millard Kaufman was 90 years old when he published his first novel,  Bowl of Cherries.

Read the right stuff

Be intentional and strategic about your reading because what and who you read will pile up into a reservoir of knowledge, and they will influence what you will write, eventually. Desist from reading everything that comes your way. While this might be a bit difficult to adhere to, you should look out for authors you aspire to become and whose works you admire. Read them religiously. The aim is not to become like them, but to be influenced by them. Create a reading timetable for yourself; read around selected topics, themes, periods and authors. This strategic reading habit will help you carve a voice of your own when and if you begin to write.

Develop yourself

Language is more than a medium of communication; it is a signifier of culture, a mirror of thoughts and life. Most 17th century writers were able to speak at least two languages, from Latin to Greek, French and English. Their works were rich because their thought processes were formed from different linguistic roots. Every language is a corpus of the historical and cultural nuances of its speakers. Whatever language you speak, read and might decide to write with, master it very well. Understand the nitty-gritty of the language. In the books that you read, make sure you pay attention to how the authors make use of grammar, syntax and figurative expressions.

As a reader and writer, understanding two or more languages gives you access to alternative universes of thoughts. You would never be restricted by the limitations of thought and expression. If you find it difficult to form a thought or an idea in one language, you can easily seek refuge in another.

Read without ceasing

We cannot overemphasize the importance of reading. Keep reading to increase your wealth of knowledge and flourish your universe of imagination. When the time is right for you to write, there will be an unlimited reservoir of knowledge at your disposal. No one grows out of reading, so keep at it because there is no end to reading.

How To Write A Compelling Story

Storytelling is one pastime almost—if not—everybody engages in. We all have stories to tell; we recount events to our friends, family, and colleagues. These stories birth emotions that cause tears or laughter.

Now that you have seen how natural storytelling is, you don’t have to stiffen up next time you try to put those words to paper. It’s not so hard. Let’s look at a few tips that will help guide you:

  • Figure out what your audience needs: Both fiction and non-fiction storytelling have this in common. At the end of the story, what do they expect to gain? Or what do you want them to learn? With this in mind, constructing a story will be a lot easier.
  • Set the story: Every story is set in a place or time. Some settings are more specific than some others, which are more descriptive and expansive. For instance, December 25, 2011—Ikeja, Lagos—11 p.m. or more descriptive like The hut stood crooked, as if leaning in the direction of the wind, cracks running from top to bottom like veins protruding from an old man’s hand, giving it character.
  • Characters: Especially in fiction storytelling, it is easy to get hung up on making your protagonist perfect and your antagonist, well, the devil. Your protagonist is the center of the story with a clear goal that they plan to achieve at the end of the story, and the antagonist is the one person or thing standing between them and their goals. There are other central characters that the plot revolves around who are important to the story too.
  • Plot: The sequence of events that cause a connection between audience and protagonist.
  • Cause and effect: A bulk of your story should be told in a way that everything that goes on in the story is caused by the event preceding it. Though there are other instances where it would be better to go the other way, this format helps with the flow and understanding.

Cause: They have a big fight.

Effect: She takes a walk.

Instead of telling it as She takes a walk because they had a big fight, tell it as, There was palpable tension between them after the confrontation, so she grabbed her jacket and went for a walk.

  • Conflict: The only reason a reader stays hooked to your story is that they can’t wait to see how you resolve the conflict that the characters, especially the protagonist, have been thrown into. It is the conflict that builds the suspense, one of the main elements of an exciting story.

I hope these tips help you tell your story. But if you can’t find the time to write that story, Sabi Writers can do it for you!

How To Turn Your Idea Into A Book

Have you ever had some bright idea burn in your head it fills you with so much excitement and relish as you think about it? But that is just as far as it goes because, to you, it is just an idea. Downplaying the power of such an idea or concept, you hardly do anything about it.

It doesn’t always have to be this way as that idea could be your opportunity to inspire the world.

Like you may already know, writing is a lot of work. But guess what? Getting the world to read your thoughts through a book sounds like a miracle, and it’s a feeling you’ll love.

Here are some validated tips for turning your idea into an epic book the world wants to read.

Have a writing goal and set a deadline

It isn’t enough to decide that you want to write a book. First of all, you must have a clear cut goal on what you hope to achieve with your idea or story. Consider writing as a project, and every project has a timeline. Don’t they? If you’re serious about getting this task done, you must set a deadline for it. This will serve as your compass. It will help you understand where you are going and the results you will likely get.

Plan your book

You must have heard it several times that failing to plan is planning to fail. Just as with everything else in life, writing a good book, not just any book, requires planning. It’s a fact that you can’t shy away from. You need to map out strategies for completing the project within the stipulated timeline. Chances are if you do not analyze your book critically, you may end up drifting from your original goal or at worst, get bored in the process — the common reason for procrastination among writers.

Get started

There is no better way to put it than this: the only way to start is to start. Pick up a pen, grab a sheet and start writing. It doesn’t have to be perfect. You’ll see the mistakes along the way and learn as you make progress. Keep writing until you’re done and don’t ever stop until then.

Maintain focus

Writer’s block is a major challenge for creative folks like you. So don’t be discouraged about it. But you must do your best to shut out distractions when working on a book. For starters, you must understand your peculiarities. You must know the conditions that make writing easy for you and the environment that helps you to function best. Anything that comes short of that will definitely affect your long-term focus on your writing project.

Share your work and celebrate your small wins

Writing is not an easy thing to do. So, you must find time to celebrate yourself for every milestone reached. Let your friends see your work and comment on what you’ve done. The more positive feedback you get, the more encouraged you become. And writing will become a whole lot of fun for you.

Find support

Sometimes, writing is not a journey you can work alone. You may need the contributions of other people, who may be more experienced than you, especially if you want to publish your work.

At Sabi Writers, we help you realize your dreams by traversing your entire writing journey with you, never leaving your side throughout the whole process. We understand the intricacies and technicalities of getting a writing project done. We are best-in-class at what we do and leverage our state-of-the-art facility and staff competence to create a unique writing experience for people like you.

Do beyond dreaming it. Live it!