Titi Akinsanmi

Public Policy Lead, Google

She is the Policy & Government Relations Lead for West and Francophone Africa at Google. Her motto is to inspire, inform, involve and impact the world on issues around global internet and society, digital economy, policy and digital governance. With 19 years of experience, she has directly engaged with global policy development processes, built capacity, and strategy, and is enabling the implementation of strategies as it relates to Internet governance and the digital economy.

She consults for a range of international institutions including African Network Information Centre (AfriNIC), the World Bank Institute, IICD, Mindset, UN-GAID, UNECA, SchoolNet Africa and MTech Communications.

She is a key player in the world’s digital ecosystem, helping governments shape the policy and regulatory environment as it relates to intermediaries, content creation & sharing, data privacy and cybersecurity. She is an opinion shaper and connector in the area of Digital Public Policy in Africa and beyond, with extensive cross-sectoral networks on the digital economy in Africa.


Titi has initiated, managed and led delivery on projects and initiatives for ICT & development, ICTs & Education, the Information Society, Internet Governance, Telecom Value-Added Products & Services within Nigeria, South Africa and across over 30 other nations globally.


She is a graduate of English Language from Obafemi Awolowo University in Nigeria. She holds a Master’s degree in Management from the University of Witwatersrand, South Africa.


She also holds Masters in Common Law from the University of London, and an ongoing Masters in Law degree program at the York University, Toronto. She is currently a PhD fellow at Berkman Klein Center for Internet and Society, Harvard University.