There’s nothing more devastating for a writer than ending up with an error-filled draft. After putting in the hours doing your research, gathering materials and sleepless nights developing content, it only seems fair that your finished work is squeaky clean, looking as impeccable as it can get.

It is highly encouraged and professional for writers to give their work a second peruse, this time as thoroughly as possible to check for grammar errors, spellings, typographical errors as well as punctuation mistakes. All of these guarantee a good reading experience for your readers.

These processes are better known as proofreading and the best part about it is that it can be done by you. While there are professional proofreaders, technology has made proofreading easier and with different software that ease the task.

In this article, you will find 5 of the best proofreading software that will elevate your writing.


It doesn’t matter what writing space you are in. Whether you are an author seeking to write a best-seller, a student seeking help with academic work or a casual writer, these proofreading tools help polish your work to professional standards.

Let’s dive into the 5 best proofreading software to give your writing  a refined output.

  1. Grammarly: Grammarly is currently the web’s most used and recognised proofreading tool. Grammarly comes with a paid and free version. The free plan grants you access to correct spelling mistakes, punctuation errors, and word suggestions, giving you a tailored written piece. Its suggestions are based on your goals [whether you desire a formal or informal tone, your target audience, etc.].

The best features of the software are that it is beginner friendly; its interface is easy for anyone to access, and its web extension can be integrated with other writing tools [Google docs, Word Press, etc.] making it easy to write, proofread and edit your work at the same time.

2. ProWritingAid: ProWritingAid comes in close competition to Grammarly with both having the same distinctive feature and browser interface. ProWritingAid also comes with a paid and free plan. Each plan provides basic proofreading features.

This software sets itself apart as the perfect tool for fiction writing, making it easy for fiction writers to build a strong and compelling storyline.

With its paid version, one takes their editing game up a notch by getting access to tips for a better and improved story structure and suggestions that improve story transition, build vocabulary and an overall improved readability for a good reader’s experience. With ProWritingAid, a writer gets value for their money.

  • ANTIDOTE: Antidote is a writing software that has been in the market for over 25 years. It is not a new tool amongst editors; however, it seems to be struggling to stay afloat in the competitive AI market and has recently fallen off the radar in comparison to Grammarly and ProWritingAid. Antidote serves a more professional audience as its target audience are professionals and academic writers. Its features aids in providing corrections for grammatical and typographical errors, providing suggestions for improved writing style, sentence structuring, gender neutrality and an overall improved readability.

Sadly, Antidote does not have a free version. You have to be financially committed in order to have access to its rather competitive features.

  • LanguageTool: This proofreading software is user-friendly with a simple user interface. It is suitable for casual writers and students. LanguageTool possesses the same features as Grammarly and ProWritingAid. However, this version is less expensive in order to suit the needs of its audience. It is used to carry out basic editing functions, focused on aiding in everyday dialogue. The LanguageTool premium version also comes at a cheaper price in comparison to its rivals and is best suited for simple essays and aiding in assignments.
  • QuillBot: This proofreading software is the perfect go-to for professional writers. Its features aid in language structuring, paraphrasing, citations and work summary. This tool works best for academic and professional writers.

If you are seeking full-scale writing guidance, then you probably should look elsewhere. QuillBot features rarely depict grammatical errors [for instance, repeated or overused words].

Whether you are a professional writer or just starting out a writing career, these proofreading tools are a must have as they can be of tremendous help. All you have to do is find the proofreading software that best fits your needs.

However, these tools are not foolproof and shouldn’t be trusted to give accurate results at all times. They are great help to writers for a less tedious and time-consuming process, but they shouldn’t be completely relied upon as a replacement for a professional proofreader or editor.

  We hope you find them helpful!

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