Are you a writer seeking a firmer grip on your command of words?

With the right use-age of words, you can ignite the right feelings within your readers, making them fall deep into the web of emotions with each captivating line of words you write.

Some literary devices assist writers in their writing journey, making the process easier and giving their writing a more captivating appeal.

Polysyndeton is one such device.

In this article, we explore the world of polysyndeton and how you can wield it in your writing.

What is Polysyndeton?

Polysyndeton is a literary device with its origin traced as far back as Ancient Greece. The term is derived from the Greek words ‘Poly’ and ‘syndeton’, which roughly means ‘bounding together’.It is a term that expresses the deliberate use of conjunctions in a sentence to set the right pace in the mind of the reader, giving rhythm to the prose and an overall impressive solemn note, captivating the attention of your reader.

Its effect on sentence structuring is evergreen and it is a powerful tool for writers who wish to leave their readers excited and at the edge of their seats as they read through the web of emotions in each line, and not just linearly race over a set of words. 

Polysyndenton is mainly used to emphasise a word. It serves as a coordinator, coordinating conjunctions – and, but, nor, or – to combine different ideas in a sentence.

Below are some of the uses and importance of placement of Polysyndeton, and how effective they are in sentencing.


Polysyndeton deepens the flow of your writing. The continuous usage of Polysyndeton [and, or, nor, etc.] changes the speed by which your reader consumes and reflects on each word. Polysyndeton gives the reader a steady pace to maintain when reading each word, thereby giving them a chance to savour deeply, each idea or item listed.

Example: It is a beauty to behold, how the clouds come together in a deliberate union, and the wind blows, and how the trees dance, and then came the lightening with its strikes, and the rumbling thunder, all giving way for the heavy downpour from the heavens.


This is one fundamental importance of Polysyndeton for writers. It adds emphasis to words, thus, leaving your readers engrossed and captivated. Polysyndeton makes your readers’ interest piqued and keeps their attention locked on each word. It is like a thread that pulls the attention of your reader until the very last line.

Example: A man becomes naught when deprived of the love and care and affection and attention of those whom he cherishes.


Polysyndeton, when used correctly can arouse deep emotion within your readers. A writer equipped with a vast knowledge of the effective usage of Polysyndeton can arouse various feelings of emotions ranging from suspense, anxiety, happiness, sadness, etc. 

 Example: I watched sadly as my world collapsed around me. My mother lay by my side fighting for her life due to the cruel grasp of renal disease, struggling with what may be her last breath, and to the far end of the room was my baby sister tugging at the shirt of my depressed father, wailing at his feet from the bites of hunger, and my brother, an absolute drunken mess.

Though many would undermine polysyndeton as mere words with little to no effect, they have proven to be powerful words that give structure to our sentences and speeches. They give rhythm to writing and prolong the feelings your readers experience, thus making it memorable. Polysyndetons are linking words that give life to a writer’s words.

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