Ditch the Jargon: Making Your Business Writing More Relatable

In today’s business world, clear and relatable communication is crucial. It is important to ensure that your audience is not confused about your intended message. Yet, many professionals fall into the trap of using jargon, thinking it makes them sound knowledgeable.

In reality, excessive jargon can alienate your audience and obscure your message. To connect with your readers and convey your ideas effectively, it’s time to ditch the jargon.

Table of Contents

  • Why Jargon Hurts Your Communication
  • Tips for Making Your Business Writing Relatable
  • Tips for Making Your Business Writing Relatable
  • The Benefits of Relatable Writing

Why Jargon Hurts Your Communication

Jargon refers to specialised terms and phrases used within a particular industry or profession. While it can be useful among experts, it often confuses those outside the field. Here are a few reasons why jargons are detrimental:

  • It excludes readers

When you use industry-specific language, you risk alienating those who are not familiar with the terminology. This can make your message inaccessible to a broader audience. Instead of engaging readers, you’re likely to push them away.

  • It reduces clarity

Complex terminologies can make your writing convoluted and difficult to understand. Clear and simple language is more effective in getting your point across. When your message is straightforward, your readers can easily grasp your points and act on them.

  • It decreases engagement

Readers are more likely to engage with content they understand. When faced with confusing terms, they may feel frustrated and lose interest. Relatable writing keeps your audience interested and invested in your message.

Tips for Making Your Business Writing Relatable

  • Know your audience

To make your business writing more relatable, start by knowing your audience. Understanding who you’re writing for is key to effective communication. Tailor your language to their level of expertise and familiarity with the subject matter. This ensures that your message resonates with your readers.

  • Use plain language

Opt for simple, straightforward words over complex terminology. For example, instead of saying ‘utilise’, just say ‘use’. Plain language is more relatable and easier to understand, making your message more accessible.

  • Be clear

When you must use industry-specific terms, explain the necessary jargon. Provide clear definitions to ensure that all readers can follow along. This way, you maintain clarity without alienating those unfamiliar with the terminology.

  • Be concise

Be concise. Avoid unnecessary words and keep your writing to the point. Concise writing improves readability and respects your reader’s time. It shows that you value their attention and helps keep them engaged.

The Benefits of Relatable Writing

Ditching jargons when you write doesn’t mean you’re dumbing down your message, rather, it’s about making it more accessible and impactful.  Some benefits of relatable writing are:

  • Relatable writing builds trust and fosters better relationships with your audience.
  • It makes your message clear, engaging, and actionable.
  • By avoiding jargon, you demonstrate respect for your reader’s time and intelligence, which can lead to increased loyalty and better business outcomes.


By using plain language, understanding your audience, and focusing on clarity, you can make your business writing more relatable and effective. The goal is to connect with your audience and convey your ideas in a clear and relatable manner. Incorporating these strategies into your business writing can transform the way you communicate. So, ditch the jargon and watch the difference in the engagement with your audience.

For more tips on effective communication and improving remote work productivity, check out our other blog posts or visit our website at https://sabiwriters.com/ We are here to help you succeed.

Happy writing!

5 Benefits of  a Professional Writing Assistant

In today’s fast-paced world, effective communication is crucial. Whether you are a business owner, a student, or a professional, the quality of your writing can significantly impact your success. Writing goes beyond putting words together; it requires proficiency to captivate your audience and effectively convey your message. It takes a while to ideate, write, and complete a manuscript, script, or research paper.  This is where professional writing comes into play.  

In this article, we will list five benefits of a professional writing assistant. They include:

  • Quality Writing

Professional writers have the expertise to improve the quality of your work by creating well-researched, coherent, and engaging content to enhance its credibility. They ensure a polished final piece in grammar, spelling, and punctuation.

  • Time Efficiency

Writing is time-consuming, especially if it’s not your primary skill. It involves researching, organising, drafting, editing, and proofreading. A professional writing assistant can take on this task, allowing you to focus on other important aspects of your work or personal life.

  • Direct Messaging 

Professional writers ensure your content is clear, concise, and engaging. They craft blog posts, brochures, social media posts, and press releases, helping you communicate your message effectively across platforms.

  • SEO Optimisation 

For businesses and individuals looking to improve their online presence, SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) is essential. Professional writing assistants understand SEO practices and can help optimise your content to rank higher on search engines like Google, driving more traffic to your site.

  • Brand Growth Consistency

Consistent and high-quality content helps the brand’s reputation. Professional writers are skilled in persuasion and can craft compelling content that attracts and retains clients, ultimately boosting your brand’s growth and revenue. 

In conclusion, investing in a professional writing assistant is a smart decision for anyone looking to enhance the quality of their written communication in the 21st century. Are you looking to upscale your business, save time, and tell a better story through writing? Reach out to Sabi Writers today to get the best professional writing services from our experts.

Content Marketing Trends in 2024

The history of content marketing ranges back to the 1700s. Today, it stands as a pillar of digital strategy. Content marketing has evolved significantly and continues to dominate the demanding field of marketing despite the rapid changes in trends.

The days of basic blog articles and template email blasts are long gone. They have been replaced with interactive experiences, tailored content, and storytelling to build brands and foster a deep connection with their audience. This evolution has brought about an increased demand for informative, entertaining, engaging, and inspiring content.

In 2024, five trends in content marketing can be leveraged and adopted as individuals in a growing digital world. They are:

1. Hyper-Personalisation: Hyper-personalisation is one of the biggest themes in content marketing for 2024. It is a marketing strategy that uses AI and data to produce highly customised content experiences for their target customers. The goal is to make customers feel recognised and appreciated. From creating personalised emails with subscribers’ names to product recommendations based on their browser history; there is an increase in customer satisfaction and brand integrity.

2. Immersion Content: Immersion content is an innovative trend that engages audiences in new ways with the use of technology such as Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), and Interactive Multimedia. For example, an AR app can be used to try on a new hairstyle or take a virtual tour of a region before making travel plans. This trend gives life to your content and establishes a connection between the brand and its audience.

3. Video Content: In 2024, short-form videos – such as Instagram Reels and TikTok are becoming increasingly popular due to their brief but impactful message delivery. To keep up with the trend, brands are producing bite-sized content that is aesthetically pleasing and engaging. Also, companies utilise video content to establish their authority and superiority over others.

4. User-Generated Content: User-generated content (UGC) is another content marketing trend used by brands in 2024. This is when customers influence their followers’ purchasing intentions by talking about a product or service they like, whether in a video or text, and posting on their social media platforms. This strategy strengthens the brand’s sense of community and increases the brand’s product visibility.

5. Content Repurposing: Given the enormous amount of content produced, making the most of each piece is crucial. Content repurposing is the practice of reusing existing content to reach a wider audience. Examples are, converting an infographic into a presentation slide deck, a webinar into a series of social media clips, or a blog piece into a podcast episode. This expands your audience without starting from scratch.

Conclusively, adopting these content marketing trends helps you to connect deeper with your audience. Additionally, it offers you a future full of opportunities and innovation, helping you remain attuned to the evolving needs of your target audience.

If you need the perfect content marketing solution to drive your business sales, reach out to us at hello@sabiwriters.com 

A Step-by-Step Guide to Writing and Publishing Your First Ebook

The introduction of ebooks has taken the world by storm. The two cogent reasons are its affordability and accessibility. Research shows that ebook sales generated over 1.1 billion dollars in 2021. This fact underscores the significance of digital books in a fast-evolving world. Hence, this article delves into a step-by-step guide to writing your first ebook, which is explained below:

Ideate and Brainstorm: In every process, there is an idea. This step entails ideating topics and niches in specific areas, especially for non-fiction ebooks, and developing ideas that appeal to a particular audience.

However, as you brainstorm, think outside the box. Think generally about the entire aspects of your book, starting from content to structure to tone, etc, and pen them down. You will have to ask yourself some questions like what genre is selling? What is the conversation in the world right now? What evergreen niche should I delve into?

Conduct Holistic Research: This step includes conducting holistic research that confirms the viability and the general acceptance of your proposed book. It also includes researching who your competitors are as well as your target audience. You can also research more on what you have ideated.

Leveraging major research sites like Google and Research Gate would help. Cogent questions you might want to consider in this step include, who is my target audience? What genre are they buying? Where are they buying from? What other data constitutes am I looking for?

Note Down Key Nuggets: Upon successful research, kindly note down the pointers and major topics you would like to delve into in the course of drafting your book. You must ensure that the points flow accordingly in your ebook.

Create a Detailed Outline: This step includes drafting a detailed outline, more like creating a chart that matches your content and how you want the book to flow. This encapsulates the basic things about the book and cogent areas such as agenda, roadmap, and the synthesis of how the book will flow.  

Start Writing: After going through the above steps, just write. Delve into writing and maintain a pace. Take cognisance of your tone, diction, style, and industry-appropriate standards.

Revise for Fine-Tuning: This step requires a critical review of your work. Give it a couple of weeks or even months before revising. In this stage, be sure to approach your work from an objective stance, rather than allowing your emotions to control.

Give a Professional Editor: After you are done with all of the steps mentioned above, you must hire a professional editor to proofread your work. A professional editor will improve your writing ensuring that it is clear, concise, free from grammatical and spelling errors, and easy to understand.

Open a Digital Account With a Virtual Publishing Company: After receiving your work from a professional editor, the next thing to do is open a digital account with a virtual publishing company. There are multiple virtual publishing accounts including Amazon KDP, Barnes & Noble Press, Apple, Blurb, Draft2Digital, Smashwords, BookBaby, BookShop, etc.

Before opening the account review the company’s policy and terms and conditions. For example, Amazon’s royalty on published books is 60%, while Apple’s and Barnes & Noble’s are 70% respectively

Format Your Book and Cover According to the Publishing Company’s Guidelines: This part includes formatting your book content in compliance with the publishing company’s guidelines and policy. If you don’t adhere to the publishing company’s guidelines it might affect the sales, review, and even the reading experience of the readers.

Get Your Book Published: This is the final step. Once you have carried out all the steps listed above then your book is set to be published. Do a quick review to ensure that everything is in place before going ahead to publish your ebook. Additionally, ensure you incorporate the integral aspects of a book, including, the table of contents, cover page, and a well-designed book cover.

In conclusion, writing your book can be somewhat stretchy, however, it doesn’t have to be. With the steps provided above, it can be done within a short time. Also, they will enable you to attain your writing goals efficiently. For more writing tips, click here.

How to Write FAQS for Your Blog

We live in a digital age where information is readily available at our fingertips. It is both a fast-paced world and more importantly, an impatient one. Everyone expects quick answers to their questions, and as a service provider, you want to keep up with the pace of your users. This is where Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) come in handy.

FAQs provide valuable information to your audience and improve the user experience on your blog. Whether you are just starting or a professional blogger, having an FAQ for your blog is very important. Knowing how to craft effective FAQs can significantly enhance the readability and engagement of your content while providing answers and clarity concerning your blog to your audience.

Here are some tips to help you write compelling FAQs for your blog:

1. Know Your Audience: Before drafting your FAQs, it’s crucial to understand your target audience. What are their pain points? What questions do they commonly ask?  What questions resonate with them? When you carry out the right research on your audience and your market competition, you can tailor your FAQs to address their specific needs and concerns.

    2. Anticipate Questions: You must anticipate the questions that your audience will likely ask by putting yourself in their shoes. This will help you prepare the proper answers with valuable insights that meet their questions.  Consider the who, what, why, when, where, and how of your content to cover a wide range of inquiries.

    3. Keep it Concise: FAQs should be succinct and to the point. Avoid long-winded explanations and focus on providing clear and concise answers. Most people won’t have all the time and patience to go through all the answers. Hence, at first glance, they should get the core of the message. Use simple language that is easy to understand, especially if your audience includes individuals with varying levels of expertise on the topic.

    4. Organise by Topic: To aid clarity, both for the readability of your blog and clarity to your audience, it is advised that you organise your questions and answers in groups. Group related questions together under relevant headings or categories. This helps users quickly find the information they’re looking for and improves the overall readability of your FAQs section.

    5. Provide Accurate Information: Accuracy in your answers is immensely important for the credibility of your blog. People need to trust what you say, therefore,  ensure that your answers are accurate, up-to-date, and backed by credible sources whenever possible. Misleading or incorrect information can erode trust with your audience and damage your credibility as a blogger or company.

    6. Include Links to Additional Resources: If a question requires a more in-depth explanation or if you’ve written a blog post that elaborates on a particular topic, consider including links to these resources within your FAQs. However, you need to carry out the right research to ensure that whatever link is being provided is accurate. Adding the right links encourages further exploration of your content and keeps users engaged.

    7. Update Regularly: Just as it is advised to regularly update your blog website, it is advised to update the FAQ segment of your blog.  As new questions arise or information changes, be proactive in updating your FAQs to ensure they remain relevant and accurate. Set time aside periodically to review and revise your FAQs section accordingly.

    8. Opimise for Search Engines: Incorporate relevant keywords into your FAQs to improve their visibility in search engine results. Your keywords should be spread across the body of your blog post in the same manner as your FAQs. This can attract organic traffic to your blog and increase the likelihood of users discovering your content.

    In conclusion, your FAQs are just as important as your blog post, therefore, pay attention to it. Crafting effective FAQs for your blog posts is an essential aspect of providing value to your audience and enhancing their overall experience. By adhering to these powerful tips, you can create a comprehensive resource that keeps readers engaged and informed

    Are you in need of a blog writer who can help you craft compelling blog posts accompanied by clear and concise answers to your audience’s FAQs? Send an email to hello@sabiwriters.com to get an expert for the job.