Knowing that your blog is one of the most reliable sites for information is very thrilling. However, having your blog rank among the most visited blogs on a search engine does not happen overnight; it requires intentional and consistent effort.

If you are a trying to carve a writing niche, here are some guidelines to help you grow your blog with the right articles:

Write About Subjects That Interest Your Readers

As a writer, you can be tempted to write about the thing that sparks your interest, whether it’s the hottest topic in your field, recent events, or even a rant. However, these entries have a limited shelf life. Immediately after you publish such, you can experience a surge in traffic. But as soon as the story becomes stale, your blog’s readers will vanish completely. So to grow your blog with the right articles, write about subjects that are perennial yet popular.

Explore Attractive Headlines

Your headline will determine whether someone clicks through to read your piece or skips it. Your headline should pique your reader’s interest, making them want to click. But how do you write such a headline? The basis of your headline is already partially established if you’re matching search intent. For instance, your headline should include a specific number and the year if your topic is ‘BEST LOAN APPS’. When your headline includes the specific number of apps and the year that the apps are currently ranked among the best, it will read ‘TOP 20 LOAN APPS IN 2022’.

More so, ensure your headline is detailed if you want it to attract more readers to your article. The simpler it is to read your headline, the more readers will be attracted to your article. Let your headline nail the subject matter on the head. Don’t make it keep your readers guessing because readers’ attention spans are usually short. So, ensure your headline hooks them on the go. In addition to this, using physical, real-world objects provide specificity. Try ‘6 Tasty Beverages to Help You lose 1lb in Weight Per Week’ as an example, rather than ‘Beverages for Weight loss’.

Write SEO-Based Articles

Search engine optimisation is a good tool for enhancing the accessibility of your article on the internet. To achieve this, ensure your articles are laced with keywords. What you must know about SEO-based articles is that you are writing the article for people first. As such, your article must provide value to those people. Write an article that is a valuable source of information. Before you begin, write out the most common words people look for when searching for an article of that nature on the internet, and let those words form your keywords.

Let Your Article Be Skimmable

Ensure you use bullet points or subtitles to distinguish text blocks as you begin to script your article. Be conscious that online audiences prefer to scan through an article rather than read the entire body. Therefore, if the article requires you to list objects or steps, it is advisable to divide them into bullet points so that your paragraphs will be easier to read. Your paragraphs should have at most five sentences.

Let Your Readers Know What to Do

Inform your readers of the action to undertake with the information you’ve given them as you hit the conclusion of your article. Stating a call to action (CTA) can be a smart idea. Be mindful that people rarely visit blogs to read aggressive articles. Give keen attention to your call to action and try to appeal to a budding subscriber to take a small step through the guidelines you have provided instead of forcing the action on them. Your CTA can be requesting your reader to visit your blog for tips on how to start a small business or buy a book you have written.

 Read It Again

Immediately you are done writing your article, leave it and return later when you have formed a new point of view of the subject matter you are treating. Double check the article for grammatical errors and ensure your thoughts are clearly spelt out and logically flow from one idea to the next. Check whether you can fix an essential keyword into your headline by reading the article again.

However, you can visit here to read some articles that give practical guidance on growing your blog with the right article.

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