Here’s How to Live Without Criticisms

Is it possible to live without being criticised?

Why, yes! People do it all the time.

Forget what we said about six steps, there’s only one way to live without being criticised—to not live at all. In Aristotle’s words, ‘Criticism is something we can avoid easily by saying nothing, doing nothing, and being nothing’.

It’s that simple. Live a life of no consequence, get no criticism. However, if you find this solution distasteful, there’s another way to live with criticism without being crushed by it.

In simpler terms, while you can’t live without criticism, you can live above it.

How do you do that?

Embrace criticism. You must understand that criticism can be delivered constructively or destructively. Constructive criticism is someone pointing out faults and failings without any hate or hurtful language. On the other hand, destructive criticism is an expression of disapproval, rife with negative emotions or poorly expressed opinions. Technically, they should both be embraced, but to varying degrees and with differing approaches.

How do you handle both constructive and destructive criticism?

The best way to handle criticism—constructive or otherwise—is to accept it objectively. Regardless of how much it hurts, detach your wounded ego from the mix and focus on the message. Criticism usually carries an element of truth. Examine each remark closely to sift all the areas where you need improvement.

Also, never respond to criticism in the full flare of your emotions. Swallow your pride and accept it graciously. Apologise if need be. Cry in private, but do not get involved in a shouting match or an open dispute. Keep yourself in check. This, dear reader, is known as emotional intelligence.

Turn criticism to a kindle. Let’s paint a picture for you. Imagine turning in a manuscript to your editor and spending weeks awaiting a reply. In your head, you envision the glorious feedback: ‘A stunning read… refreshing and profound… resonating with the wondrous interplay of heart and humour’. Instead, you get: ‘Exceedingly dull… your worst work yet. You could have done better’.

If you don’t spend the rest of the day staring at your computer with disdain, you will probably be sprawled over your kitchen table crying. Because it hurts. It might even take days to get the pain off your chest. But if you are wise, you will take those words, roll it up in a ball and throw it into your internal furnace. Yes, make those words part of the mélange of things that keep you going. Turn criticism to kindle—let it fuel you on.

They say you aren’t good enough? Fight to be good enough.

Remember, the Huffington post was heavily criticised initially. Today, it is the one-stop for news, entertainment and liberal political writing. Everything needs time to grow. Be patient with yourself. Understand that you can be whatever you want if you keep trying.

However, embracing criticism is no reason to allow verbal abuse and bullying. There is a firm difference between destructive criticism and flat-out abuse. Verbal abuse has a shockingly profound effect on your self-image and esteem.

Do not allow it.

We hope this helps.

Dear Writer, Have Some Fun!

A writer once experienced difficulty in writing. He tried all he could till he was spent, all to no avail. Frustrated, he went outside for a nice swim and a warm chat with a friend. When he returned, he was able to gather his thoughts and write seamlessly.

We’ll take a wild guess, your nerve ends are tingling, your brain just blew a fuse and your fingers are blue from continuous typing. You need to let out steam. This is practised by all, but for writers, it is a necessity because our productiveness depends on the state of our minds. If a writer is overwhelmed and stressed, he/she becomes inefficient.  

As a writer, a good day in the sun, sumptuous food in your belly, and breeze in your hair will do you more good than a high pile of cash.

You don’t believe us? Are you of the school of thought that agrees that back-breaking hard work is the way to success and nothing else?


If you don’t slow down, you’ll be dead before you finish your bestseller (that is if you can write the ‘bestseller’).

Still not convinced?                                                                                                    

We have proof—science!

Science says, ‘Your hormones get ugly when you’re stressed’.

When the secretion of hormones like cortisol which plays a very important role in helping the body respond to stress and regulating blood pressure increases, it leads to a rise in blood pressure, weight gain, insomnia and worse, reduction in blood sugar.

So yes, your body goes flip crazy when you’re stressed. Not to mention depression and other mental and emotional pay-offs of stress on the body.

Pray tell, with the above-listed effects of increased cortisol hormone levels, do you think you’ll be able to make it down the road to success?

Science also says, ‘Your brain is less creative when you’re stressed’.

Have you wondered why you write creatively in your head but struggle to put words down the minute you power on your computer? The reason is simple—your brain works better when you’re not trying!

Negative emotions like tension and stress hamper your mental activities. They throw creativity out the window and lock the doors. The next time you’re searching for an opening line, a brilliant conclusion or a catchy first paragraph, take a ten-minute stroll, connect with your environment, breathe, take a glass of water then, return and write.

Again, science says fun and games boosts your creativity and stimulates your imagination.

Creativity and imagination are the power couple of writing. Inspiration, creativity and a sharp imagination are key when writing.

What if you have none of these?

What if your brain is so swamped that your imagination is crying for help?

In this state there is very little you can achieve. In times like these, writing becomes as painful as having your head trapped in a bear’s jaws. Much as writing is never easy, it shouldn’t be loathsome.  

Today, take the day off, relax your bundled up nerves, breathe, breathe again. A happy brain is a creative brain.

Spice Up Your Writing in Four Steps!

Is your writing the kind that makes the reader’s eyeballs bleed?

Do your family members cringe at the thought of reading something you wrote?

Have you ever heard your best friend whisper under her breath, ‘Is this content or torture?’

Do you get reviews like ‘your work is…eh…not quite there?’

Say no more.

We have compiled four practical ways by which you can make your writing more appealing and readable.

  1. Write more in the active voice than in the passive voice

The eggs were eaten by the boys.

If no one has had the heart to tell you, we’ll do it: most of the time, writing in passive voice makes your readers’ get bored. Take it from professionals, there are healthier and reader-friendly ways to pass your message across.

For example, instead of that half-dead sentence, how about we say, the boys ate the eggs. This conveys a sharper image of the idea.

Passive voice isn’t bad in itself, but it fails to have as firm a grip on the reader’s mind as the active voice. If you must write in the passive voice, do it minimally.

2. Be concise and creative with words

If you’re a writer, then you must love words. However, you don’t need to remind people of your affection for words by pouring out all the contents of your logophilic brain in one blog post. It is the fastest and most guaranteed way for a reader to lose interest.

What to do?

Lose the extraneous material. If your sentence still makes sense without it, cut it out.




Keep your writing as simple as possible while switching up the lengths of the sentences to ensure variety. Conciseness is one of the easiest ways to achieve a brilliant flow.

Also, choose words that compel your reader’s mind into action, words that stimulate the senses. The constant appeal to their imagination will keep them hooked to every page. Word use is an intentional process.

3. Let your work show confidence

You title a book, How to Make Five Billion in a Week and the chapters are rife with ‘maybe’, ‘might’, ‘you should’, ‘you may’, ‘it could’. That, dearest writer, is unacceptable.

You write to let your readers know what you know; you want to inform or teach them. For your message to be compelling, your writing must be devoid of every form of doubt and vacillation.

This brings us back to word choice. Replace words that suggest probability with words that carry an air of finality without sounding highhanded. Write in a way that makes the words come alive to the reader. This helps them connect to you and the content on a deeper level.

Shine through every word.  Give your readers a peek into the wonders of your mind.

4. Be an avid reader

In the words of Joseph Addison, ‘Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body’. This gives further credence to the fact that a writer should read, must read and has to read.

Writing and reading are like living and feeling—they go hand in hand. To develop a distinct voice in writing and speaking, you must read. Reading gives you diversity and weight. It enriches the quality of your work. Not to mention its profound effects on your grammar, vocabulary, and style.

If you will take no other advice, take this: Read.

Can Everyone Become A Writer?

 We would prefer not to say this, but it falls to us as professionals to debunk all assumptions associated with writing and writers.

First, God did not create writers on the eleventh day; we fall right in place with the rest of the world on the sixth. 

Second, much as we hate to cut ties with our fabled origins, we have to say it: writers are not born but made.

In other words, anyone can learn to write. But to achieve this, you need a few things. 

  1. Passion

It is not enough to like writing; you must be passionate about it. Passion is what helps you to push you through tough times and makes you a victor at the end. 

Are you passionate about writing? Do not begin this journey unless you are.  

  • Tenacity

Your initial works are like a calf’s first steps—wobbly, embarrassing, almost painful to watch yet rife with promise. As pathetic as they may seem to you, they are signs of great potential.

A lot of people will throw it in the trash. You too will do that sometimes. You will compare your work with that of others and burst into tears. It will discourage you, yet you must keep trying.

If you’re tenacious enough, you’ll grow from an amateur to a pro. You’ll find out that you wanted to do it and you did it because you kept pushing.

  • Consistent reading

If you’re going to write skilfully, you must dedicate yourself to the consumption of good content. In other words—read. Eudora Welty says, ‘Indeed, learning to write may be part of learning to read. For all I know, writing comes out of a superior devotion to reading’.

The merits of reading to a writer are innumerable. Reading supplies you with a wealth of knowledge that enriches the quality of your writing. As you read, you become conversant with style and element, develop an aesthetic for quality writing, and your instinct heightens so you can better judge the work you create.

 Also, a writer must have an impressive command of English, should boast of a robust assortment of words, know how to spell and use them appropriately. One way to have this expertise is to read grammar textbooks and use a standard dictionary constantly.

Read twice as much as you write but write a lot.

  • Consistent writing

Of all the tips we’ve given you, this is undoubtedly the most important—write.

It does not matter if at the moment you find it nearly impossible to produce a well-articulated Facebook post. Just keep writing.

Write every day, through the months and the years, until writing becomes second nature to you. You learn to write by writing. 

Finally, if the struggle of writing is too much for you or you do not have the time to accommodate it, but still wish to write, we are here for you. We can make you an author without you stroking a ‘t’.

Three Secrets Of Great Writers

‘Are you a writer?’

‘Yes, I am’.

‘Nice. May I see some of your works?’

‘Hmm, I’ve been so busy, and I haven’t gotten around to writing much these days’.


Everyone knows the job of a writer is to write. And no, there is no universal conspiracy to make you look lazy neither is the universe cheating on you by giving others additional hours as opposed to the regular 24 hours. If you aren’t writing as much as you want to, you’re not doing something right.

So how do efficient writers make it work?

  1. They Make Decisions

It always begins with firm decisions.

If you’re reading this, you probably have a penchant for books and writing, but it is not enough. It is one thing to ‘like’ writing and another to be ‘dedicated’ to it. If writing is something you do for fun, you don’t need this post. But if writing to you is life and death, listen, writing is going to cost you. You will write on good days, you will write on bad days, when the sight of your computer makes you nauseous, and you can’t pull stunts like these without an intense depth of conviction.

Ask yourself, ‘Am I truly dedicated to writing or is this a let-me-try-my-hands-at-this thing?’

If you were able to answer positively, we move on from there.

  • They are Disciplined

Every writer worth their salt will tell you that self-discipline is a sine qua non of great writing.

‘I was so busy today’, everyone says, but it isn’t always true. Sometimes, we fill our days with needless activities. For example, you started to write, but you got distracted by the television. You spend two hours watching TV before realising it was lunchtime. You spend another hour preparing and eating lunch. Then you remember you’re supposed to be writing, but the food needs time to digest. You fall asleep in the process only to be awoken by a call from a friend. After a long refreshing chat, you eat dinner and then drift off to sleep—tomorrow, you say with your head balanced on a sinfully soft pillow.

Twenty four hours have gone down the drain, and there are only four words on your computer: Once upon a time

Do you want to be a productive writer?

Be disciplined. Pare down your luxuries—from sleep to television, to needless conversations. Be disciplined enough to finish everything you start.

Also, take responsibility for how your day goes. When you wake up in the morning, plan your day, set goals and targets for yourself—maybe two chapters a day or a thousand words a day.

  • They Keep to It

Write all the time. Productive writers know a ‘perfect time’ will never come, so they lunge at every window they find. They write on the bus, while waiting in the lobby, on their phones; they write everywhere and every time. That’s the life of an efficient writer. They don’t find the time; they create it.

That is not to say you no longer have the right to relax. Of course, you do, but you must know the things to give up and the things to hold on to.

Today, decide to grow from an abstract writer to an actual writer. You never get anything done by talking about it, and you don’t get published by writing in your head. Make your dreams come true by working towards them.

If you take these tips with the utmost seriousness,  the results will amaze you.